Jacob van Solinge

Jacob represents corporates, shareholders and (supervisory) directors in corporate law disputes, including in inquiry proceedings before the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal. He also advises and litigates in complex commercial and corporate disputes, such as takeover disputes and shareholder disputes.

Examples of work

  • Representing a buyer and supplier in an international infringement dispute
  • Advising and representing officers appointed by the Enterprise Chamber
  • Advising a court-appointed temporary director of a foundation
  • Representing a minority shareholder in a squeeze-out procedure following a public offer
  • Education

    Master Corporate Law, Radboud Universiteit (cum laude, 2023)
    Bachelor of Law, Radboud Universiteit (2021)

  • Memberships

    Dutch Lawyers Association
    De jonge Balie
    Corporate Litigation Association

  • Languages

    Dutch, English